Sunday, December 30, 2012

Will America Continue Down a Road of Ignorance and Demise?

Will America Continue Down a Road of Ignorance and Demise?   
By: Adam Busuttil

With only 38% of Americans being able to name all three branches of government; legislative, executive and judicial, it is no surprise that our liberties are constantly being compromised and reduced from the original intention of our founding fathers to protect this nation. In fact, 33% of American’s were unable to name even 1 branch of government in the same study, which polled over 1200 people nationally. A more recent and larger study shows that 71% of people received a failing grade with an average score of 49% on a basic 33 question civic literacy quiz. In this study, those who have held elected office positions even lacked basic civic knowledge with 43% unaware that the Electoral College is a “constitutionally mandated assembly that elects the president”. One out of five people who have held positions of elected office believes the Electoral College "trains those aspiring for higher office" or "was established to supervise the first televised presidential debates." It is obvious that there is a severe epidemic of economic, political and historical ignorance in our country.

Young Americans reap the effects of this ignorant culture, as they are led by the blind only to be soon abandoned in darkness. Recent reports from the National Assessment of Education Progress are a clear example of this with just 13% of high school seniors, 18% of eighth-graders and 22% of fourth-graders showing “solid academic performance” in American history, which was the lowest scoring category out of seven. Scores seen seven years prior are very similar. Education Secretary Arne Duncan commented on the matter by saying “These results tell us that, as a country, we are failing to provide children with a high-quality, well-rounded education." Education experts report that a heavy focus on reading and math under the federal “No Child Left Behind” law has led to lagging performance in subjects such as history and science. Educators say history is vital to students learning how to become better citizens and understanding how the country's political and cultural systems work. Students need to not only recognize leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Abraham Lincoln, but also understand why they were essential to the development of the country. This in itself is just one example of how federal government is being permitted by its people to mislead our country’s future while the vast majority simply except it or tune out. Former state schools superintendent for West Virginia Steven Paine, said it well when speaking out on the matter by saying; "Overall the quality and success of our lives can only be enhanced by a study of our roots”.

In the midst of this ignorance, more American’s watch NFL football than vote in the presidential elections (approx. 63% in 2008), let alone follow or become active in more important and influential local politics. A Recent study at Princeton University found that most people judge a political candidates competency within seconds of seeing their face, without any knowledge of the candidate’s background or stance on important issues. This demonstrates that Americans at large are not only ill informed and ignorant to politics, they also would simply rather not be involved with politics, which is one of the easiest ways to have our liberties fall to compromise and forfeit. If Americans don’t understand the importance of their distinct liberties or are not familiar with how difficult it was to achieve these inimitable liberties just two-hundred and sum years ago, then it would make logical sense that they will not take heed to exercise or defend their liberties.

Unfortunately it is evident that years of this has already allowed for legislation to compromise our liberties and mislead Americans for the worse. Some examples of this are the Federal Reserve Act, the Patriot Act, the National Defense Authorization Act, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, as well as, past and current gun legislation, to name only a few. In fact Texas Congressman Ron Paul stated today in his weekly update on his website; "Most legislation violates key provisions of the Constitution in very basic ways". These unconstitutional laws that get passed one by one are only part of a slow gradual process of small steps, but all of which will sum to a large loss in the end. It has been the common trend that many, if not all of these kinds of laws, get passed by talking people into giving up liberties in times of tragedy and chaos, when people are most vulnerable, in the name of safety, which cannot be obtained through government. Many people are not only unaware of what these laws are about and how greatly they impede and undermine our constitutional rights, but also how this will play out and affect all of us by allowing the transfer of power from citizens to government, putting the basic ideologies of our country at risk.    

What’s even worse is many times when people do become informed on these issues, they are faced with their own psychological defense system of denial and/or avoidance. This occurs when a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and despite what may be overwhelming evidence; they reject the matter, insist that it is not true, dismiss it, or perhaps in this case even downplay the seriousness of the matter thinking it will not apply or affect them. Without the ability to not only seek out, understand and accept the facts, but also to act out effectively in response to them, America will continue down a road of demise, compromised liberty and more government control, while being fed the temporary illusion of progress and safety through government legislation.   


Guardian of Democracy: The Civic Mission of Schools. 2003. The Leonore Annenberg Institute for Civics of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania and the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools.

Armario, , Christine. Report: Students don't know much about US history 'We are failing to provide children with a high-quality, well-rounded education'. 6/14/2011 Associated Press.

Study: Americans Don't Know Much About History There's an epidemic of historical and political ignorance, says report. 1/26/09 NBC Southern California.

2 in 3 Adults Watch NFL. 10/14/11 Marketing Charts Staff.

 Ron Paul’s New Year’s Message to Congress: Follow the Constitution. By: Ron Paul. 12/30/12

Voter turnout. Wikipedia.

Denial. Wikipedia.

© 2012

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